
Orange / Burgundy - wool roving Woolento for hand spinning, slovak merino, handmade

Beautiful woolen roving suitable for spinning, felting and weaving. This wool is local Slovak merino, sheep's fleece completely processed in accordance with the principles of sustainability.
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14,90 €
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Colors:orange, burgundy, white, salmon

Material: 100% merino from local breeding (Slovakia, EU)
Fineness: 23.5 microns
Weight: approx. 100g

Local, completely handmade wool from happy merino sheep grazing the Slovak meadows. The wool was first combed on a manual drum carder, then dyed with professional wool dyes and finally formed into a braid that is already waiting for your creative hands.

The order will be shipped within 2 business days - if there is sufficient stock. If not, I will dye new batch within 5 business days.

You can also have this colorway in combination with another wool top. Continue here to choose.


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